There are a few important factors to consider when installing a new storage shed on any part of your property, and the foundation the shed will sit on is among the most vital. Sheds without a proper foundation will quickly deal with leveling and exposure issues, leading to concerns ranging from mold and mildew to pest infestation, major water damage and more.
At A-Shed USA, we're here to not only provide a wide range of custom storage sheds, but also to assist clients with important themes like foundation building and others that will help support your shed for the long-term future. What are the risks of an improper foundation for your shed, and how can you go about ensuring your foundation is high-quality and will protect your shed itself? This two-part blog series will go over a brief primer.
If your shed either lacks a foundation entirely or is sitting on a poorly-constructed foundation, you expose it to several risks. These include everything from water damage to pest infestation, mold and mildew, or even a failure to support the shed's design specifications. As a result, many homeowners choose to spend a little extra money at the outset of their shed project for a quality foundation, plus consider professional installation.
Our next several sections will go over our general tips for how to approach a quality foundation build for your new shed.
Before you even get to material selection or any part of the installation process, it's vital to choose an ideal foundation location for your shed. The first thing to check on here is local zoning laws, which may prohibit the installation of sheds in certain areas, or may set limitations on what types of materials you can use. You don't want to invest the time into building a foundation only to find out that you have to tear it back down and start from scratch because of local laws!
After that, do a walkaround of your property. Take note of your shed's intended orientation, as well as any landscaping around it. If you're planning to have a porch or deck on the other side of the shed, take note of the foot traffic that could be heading towards it. With this information in hand, choose what feels like an ideal location for building your foundation.
Generally speaking, shed foundations fall into two categories:
For more on building a proper foundation for your storage shed, or to learn about any of our custom sheds, garages and other structures, speak to the staff at A-Shed USA today.